Belarusian State
Technological University
Zhmurouski Siarhey





Department of Physical Training and Sport

Contact details

?8 (017) 289 14 26


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 405а-1

Research interests:

Professionally-applied physical preparation.

The author of 32 publications in journals and collections scientific.


  • Physical Training.

List of publications:?

  • Zhmurovsky, SA Innovative pedagogical technologies in the organization of physical training in foreign universities / - Mn.; Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference. - Mn .: Publishing house of the AUP, (29.01.10).
  • Zhmurovsky, SA Teaching control in the classroom for discipline "Physical culture" in high school / Management in social and economic systems: Proceedings of the XX International conference. scientific. Pract. Conf. - (20.05.11) – Mn.; Publishing house MIU 2011 P.194.
  • Zhmurovsky, SA Terms and conditions of formation of physical readiness of students to professional work / SA Zhmurovsky, OM Bayko. Communication in the social and humanities, economics and education. Materials XVI rep. scientific. Pract. Conf -. Minsk, AUP March 23, 2012 - p.122.
  • Zhmurovsky, SA Effect of a differentiated approach in the process of motor preparedness of students on their level of motivation. M Proceedings of the 13th international scientific conference of graduate and post-graduate students (19.05.10) - Mn.; Publishing house MIU.
  • Zhmurovsky, SA Improvement of the traditional methods and forms of the educational process in accordance with the new requirements of the domestic sphere of education: competence approach. M Proceedings of the 12th international scientific conference of students and undergraduates. (20.05.09). - Mn.; Publishing house MIU 2009.