Belarusian State
Technological University
Bezborodov Vladimir

Bezborodov Vladimir



Department of Organic Chemistry

Contact details

?+375 (017) 327 63 54


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 404-3

Research interests:

– Chemistry of liquidcrystalline and anisotropic compounds;

– Liquidcrystalline and anisotropic compounds, promising for practical application. The optimization and the preparation of LC materials for different LCD’s;

– Anisotropic luminescent materials, dyers;

– Anisotropic monomers and polymer materials based upon them ( polarizers,? electrocondacting materials, etc.);

– Liotropic LC,s;

– Metallomesogenes, anisotropic salts;

– Anisotropic lubricants;

– Anisotropic medicines, drug discovery and therapy. Drug delivery;

– Anisotropic materials based upon the Biomacromolecules.


“Organic Chemistry”, “Chemistry of Liquidcrystalline materials”, “Chemistry of Elementoorganic Compounds”.

List of publications:?

  1. V. Lapanik, S. Timofeev, G. Sasnouski, V. Bezborodov, W. Haase. Fast-switching effect using viscous chiral-nematic materials. Liquid Crystals. (2016). DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2016.1196757
  2. В.С. Безбородов, В.И. Лапаник, С.Г. Михалёнок, Н.М. Кузьменок, А.С. Орёл. Синтез и мезоморфные свойства ариловых? эфиров транс 4-алкил-2-метил(2,6-диметил) -циклогексанкарбоновых кислот. Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование. Т. 16, № 2, с. 30–37 (2016). DOI:10.18083/LCAppl.2016.2.30.
  3. В. С. Безбородов, Г.А. Шандрюк, С.Г. Михалёнок, А.С. Мерекалов, О.А. Отмахова, Н.М. Кузьменок, Г.Н. Бондаренко, P.В. Тальрозе. Анизотропные производные (–)-L-молочной кислоты и нанокомпозиты на их основе. Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование. Т. 16, № 3, с. 5–18 (2016). DOI:10.18083/LCAppl.2016.3.5.
  4. B. Kazarkin, A. Ststapanau, V. Zhilinski, A. Chernik, V. Bezbordoov, G. Kozak, S. Danilovich, A. Smirnov. Morphology and optical properties of aluminum oxide formrd into oxalic electrolyte with addition surface active agents. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. V. 741, 012114 (2016). DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/741/1/012114.
  5. Vladimir S. Bezborodov, Sergei G. Mikhalyonok, Nina M. Kuz’menok, Valery I. Lapanik, Genadz M. Sasnouski. Polyfunctional intermediates for the preparation of liquidcrystalline and anisotropic materials. Liquid Crystals. v. 42(8), p.1124-1138 (2015). DOI:10.1080/02678292.2015.1025870.
  6. V. S. Bezborodov, S. G. Mikhalyonok, V. I. Lapanik, G. M. Sasnouski. Prospects of the Development of New Approaches of the Preparation of Anisotropic Compounds and Materials. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. v. 612(1), p.135-148 (2015). DOI:10.1080/15421406.2015.1030969.
  7. V. Zhylinski, V. Bagamazava, A. Chernik, V. Bezborodov, I. Zharski. Design and Application of Anisotropic Nanostructured Conductive and Alignment Coatings. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 612(1), 129-134 (2015). DOI:10.1080/15421406.2015.1030970.
  8. V. Bezborodov, V. Lapanik, G. Sasnouski, W. Haase. Chiral mesomorphic compounds and materials for display applications. Society for information display. SID Symposium Digest of Technical papers. Proceedings: Eurodisplay 2015. v.46, Iss. 1, p. 13 (2015). DOI:10.1002/sdtp.10550.
  9. V. Bezborodov, V. Zhylinski, A. Chernik, N. Bogomazova, I. Zharski, A. Smirnov,A. Stsiapanau, V. Lapanik, and S. Mikhalyonok. Design of Structured Surfaces and Anisotropic Materials for Display and Photonic Applications. SID Symposium Digest of Technical papers. Proceedings: Eurodisplay 2015. v.46, Iss. 1, p. 93 (2015). DOI:10.1002/sdtp.10508.
  10. V.S. Bezborodov, S.G. Mikhalyonok, N.M. Kuzmenok, A.A. Chernik, V.V. Zhylinski, I.M. Zharski, O.B. Dormeshkin, A.G. Smirnov, A.A. Stsiapanau, V.I. Lapanik. The design and preparation of anisotropic materials, alignment coatings and devices. Properties and prospects of the application. 4th Korea-Belarus Science Forum 2015. National Research. Foundation of Korea, Seoul. Proceedings. November 17, 2015. p. 13-15.
  11. В.С. Безбородов, С.Г. Михалёнок, Н.М. Кузьменок, В.И. Лапаник, Г.М. Сосновский. Полупродукты получения жидкокристаллических и анизотропных материалов. Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование. Т. 14, № 4, с. 6–18 (2014).
  12. В.С. Безбородов, В.И. Лапаник, С.Г. Михалёнок. Жидкокристаллические соединения с положительной диэлектрической анизотропией. Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование. Т. 15, № 2, с. 59–73 (2015).
  13. В.С. Безбородов, В.И. Лапаник, С.Г. Михалёнок. Мезоморфные эфиры 4-алкил(арил)циклогексенкарбоновых кислот. Методы синтеза и свойства. Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование. Т. 15, № 3, с. 52–63 (2015). DOI:10.18083/LCAppl.2015.3.52.
  14. V. Bezborodov, S. Mikhalyonok, N. Kuz’menok, A. Chernik, V. Zhylinski, I. Zharski, A. Smirnov, A. Stsiapanau, V. Lapanik, G. Sasnouski. Design and application of nanostructured anisotropic materials, conductive and alignment coatings for displays and photonic devices. Proceedings of International Conference Nanomeeting – 2015. Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures. Reviews and Short notes. p. 578-583. Minsk, Belarus, 26-29 May 2015.
  15. V. Zhylinski, A. Chernik, V. Bagamazava, O. Volynets, I. Zharski, V. Bezborodov. Formation of nanostructured aluminium mesh for display applications. Proceedings of International Conference Nanomeeting – 2015. Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures. Reviews and Short notes. p. 561-563. Minsk, Belarus, 26-29 May 2015.
  16. С.Г Михалёнок, Д.А. Литвинов, В.С. Безбородов. Эффективный метод синтеза замещенных 2-метилбензофуранов. Весцi НАН Беларусi. Сер. хiм. навук. № 1. С. 70-73 (2015).
  17. С.Г Михалёнок, В.В. Островерхов, В.С. Безбородов. Синтез 3,6-дизамещенных циклогексенонов и мезоморфные свойства их ароматических производных. Весцi НАН Беларусi. Сер. хiм. навук. № 2. С. 49-53 (2015).
  18. G. Sasnouski, V.,?Lapanik,?Bezborodov, V.,?Dabrowski, R.,?Dziaduszek, J. Synthesis of fluoro substituted quaterphenyl liquid crystals. Phase Transitions. v. 87(8), pp. 783-789 (2014).
  19. V.S. Bezborodov, V.I. Lapanik, G.M. Sasnouski, W. Haase. The synthesis and properties of some chiral mesomorphic quaterphenyl and cyclohexylterphenyl derivatives and the FLC compositions based upon them. Liquid Crystals. v. 40(10), pp. 1383-1390 (2013).
  20. V. Lapanik, V. Bezborodov, G. Sasnouski, W. Haase. Thin Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal layers: mechanical stability and fast electrooptical response, connection between molecule design and surface properties. Liquid Crystals. v. 40(10), pp. 1391-1397 (2013).
  21. V. Lapanik, V. Bezborodov, G. Sasnouski, W. Haase. Unique chiral compounds as part of mixtures with optimized properties for different types of FLCDs. Phase Transitions. V.85(10), pp. 900-909 (2012).
  22. V.Lapanik, V.Bezborodov, W.Haase, A.Lapanik, A.Minko, G.Sasnouski. “Shock-free ferroelectric liquid crystal compositions: optimized chiral compounds and their mixing ratio with non-chiral components”. Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., v. 542, pp. 48-55 (2011).
  23. G. Sasnouski, V.Bezborodov, R.D?browski, J.Dziaduszek. ‘3,6-Disubstituted Cyclohexenones in the Synthesis of New Three Ring Liquid Crystalline Compounds with the Negative Dielectric Anisotropy’. Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., v. 542, pp. 56-61 (2011).


  1. D.S. Chen, J.H. Jang. V. Bezborodov, V. Lapanik. 4’-(2,3,-Diflurophenyl)-4-propylbicyclohexyl derivative liquid crystalline compounds, liquid crystalline composition containing the same, and liquid crystalline display comprising the composition. KR 20050017860(A), (2005).
  2. D.J.Jeong, K.H.Uh, V.S.Bezborodov, V.I.Lapanik, G.M.Sasnouski, 1-[2-(trans-4-alkylcyclohexyl)- ethyl] 4-arylcyclohex-1-ene and liquid crystal composition containing the same, US 20010051233 (2001).
  3. D.J.Jeong, K.H.Uh, V.S.Bezborodov, V.I.Lapanik, G.M.Sasnouski, 1-[2-(trans-4-alkylcyclohexyl)- ethyl] -4-arylcyclohex-1-ene and liquid crystal composition containing the same, GB 2361696 (2001).
  4. D.J.Jeong, K.H.Uh, V.S.Bezborodov, V.I.Lapanik, G.M.Sasnouski, 1-[2-(trans-4-alkylcyclohexyl)- ethyl] 4-arylcyclohex-1-ene and liquid crystal composition containing the same, JP 2001-302569 (2001).
  5. V.S.Bezborodov, V.I.Lapanik,? Liquid crystal materials, JP 2001-500502 (2001).
  6. ?S.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee, M.J.Lim, D.J.Jeong, K.H.Uh, V.S.Bezborodov, V.I.Lapanik, Nematic liquid crystal composition and liquid crystal display using the same,? US 6117501 (2000).
  7. S.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee, M.J.Lim, D.J.Jeong, K.H.Uh, V.S.Bezborodov, V.I.Lapanik, Nematic liquid crystal composition and liquid ceystal display using the same, JP 1999-349946 (1999).
  8. V.S.Bezborodov and V.I.Lapanik, Liquid crystal materials, WO 98/11173 (1998).
  9. V.S. Bezborodov et al. Laterally substituted chloroarenes, their manufacture and mixtures containing them WO 96/06061 (1996).